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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

MAJOR QUAKE 8.0 - 99km NW of Iquique, Chile

Event Time

2014-04-01 23:46:45 UTC
2014-04-01 18:46:45 UTC-05:00 at epicenter
2014-04-01 16:46:45 UTC-07:00 system time

19.630°S 70.863°W depth=10.0km (6.2mi)

Nearby Cities

99km (62mi) NW of Iquique, Chile
140km (87mi) SSW of Arica, Chile
191km (119mi) SSW of Tacna, Peru
225km (140mi) SSE of Ilo, Peru
449km (279mi) SW of La Paz, Bolivia
Seismotectonics of South America (Nazca Plate Region)

The South American arc extends over 7,000 km, from the Chilean margin
triple junction offshore of southern Chile to its intersection with
the Panama fracture zone, offshore of the southern coast of Panama in
Central America. It marks the plate boundary between the subducting
Nazca plate and the South America plate, where the oceanic crust and
lithosphere of the Nazca plate begin their descent into the mantle
beneath South America. The convergence associated with this subduction
process is responsible for the uplift of the Andes Mountains, and for
the active volcanic chain present along much of this deformation
front. Relative to a fixed South America plate, the Nazca plate moves
slightly north of eastwards at a rate varying from approximately 80
mm/yr in the south to approximately 65 mm/yr in the north. Although
the rate of subduction varies little along the entire arc, there are
complex changes in the geologic processes along the subduction zone
that dramatically influence volcanic activity, crustal deformation,
earthquake generation and occurrence all along the western edge of
South America.

Most of the large earthquakes in South America are constrained to
shallow depths of 0 to 70 km resulting from both crustal and
interplate deformation. Crustal earthquakes result from deformation
and mountain building in the overriding South America plate and
generate earthquakes as deep as approximately 50 km. Interplate
earthquakes occur due to slip along the dipping interface between the
Nazca and the South American plates. Interplate earthquakes in this
region are frequent and often large, and occur between the depths of
approximately 10 and 60 km. Since 1900, numerous magnitude 8 or larger
earthquakes have occurred on this subduction zone interface that were
followed by devastating tsunamis, including the 1960 M9.5 earthquake
in southern Chile, the largest instrumentally recorded earthquake in
the world. Other notable shallow tsunami-generating earthquakes
include the 1906 M8.5 earthquake near Esmeraldas, Ecuador, the 1922
M8.5 earthquake near Coquimbo, Chile, the 2001 M8.4 Arequipa, Peru
earthquake, the 2007 M8.0 earthquake near Pisco, Peru, and the 2010
M8.8 Maule, Chile earthquake located just north of the 1960 event.

Large intermediate-depth earthquakes (those occurring between depths
of approximately 70 and 300 km) are relatively limited in size and
spatial extent in South America, and occur within the Nazca plate as a
result of internal deformation within the subducting plate. These
earthquakes generally cluster beneath northern Chile and southwestern
Bolivia, and to a lesser extent beneath northern Peru and southern
Ecuador, with depths between 110 and 130 km. Most of these earthquakes
occur adjacent to the bend in the coastline between Peru and Chile.
The most recent large intermediate-depth earthquake in this region was
the 2005 M7.8 Tarapaca, Chile earthquake.

Earthquakes can also be generated to depths greater than 600 km as a
result of continued internal deformation of the subducting Nazca
plate. Deep-focus earthquakes in South America are not observed from a
depth range of approximately 300 to 500 km. Instead, deep earthquakes
in this region occur at depths of 500 to 650 km and are concentrated
into two zones: one that runs beneath the Peru-Brazil border and
another that extends from central Bolivia to central Argentina. These
earthquakes generally do not exhibit large magnitudes. An exception to
this was the 1994 Bolivian earthquake in northwestern Bolivia. This
M8.2 earthquake occurred at a depth of 631 km, which was until
recently the largest deep-focus earthquake instrumentally recorded
(superseded in May 2013 by a M8.3 earthquake 610 km beneath the Sea of
Okhotsk, Russia), and was felt widely throughout South and North

Subduction of the Nazca plate is geometrically complex and impacts the
geology and seismicity of the western edge of South America. The
intermediate-depth regions of the subducting Nazca plate can be
segmented into five sections based on their angle of subduction
beneath the South America plate. Three segments are characterized by
steeply dipping subduction; the other two by near-horizontal
subduction. The Nazca plate beneath northern Ecuador, southern Peru to
northern Chile, and southern Chile descend into the mantle at angles
of 25° to 30°. In contrast, the slab beneath southern Ecuador to
central Peru, and under central Chile, is subducting at a shallow
angle of approximately 10° or less. In these regions of "flat-slab"
subduction, the Nazca plate moves horizontally for several hundred
kilometers before continuing its descent into the mantle, and is
shadowed by an extended zone of crustal seismicity in the overlying
South America plate. Although the South America plate exhibits a chain
of active volcanism resulting from the subduction and partial melting
of the Nazca oceanic lithosphere along most of the arc, these regions
of inferred shallow subduction correlate with an absence of volcanic
Seismic Network Preferred Location & Magnitude

Select a contributor to view their contributed data.

Contributor Event ID Time Magnitude Latitude Longitude Depth Status
us usc000nzvd 23:46:45 8.0 mwp 19.630°S 70.863°W 10 km MANUAL
at at00n3dm1y 23:46:48 8.0 Mi 19.800°S 70.800°W 10 km MANUAL
pt pt14091000 23:46:48 8.0 Mi 19.846°S 70.786°W 10 km MANUAL
Event ID: usc000nzvd

Data shown in the tables below and to the right are the preferred
earthquake source parameters from the seismic network highlighted
above. The authoritative earthquake location & magnitude is always 1st
in the list of contributing networks. Clicking on a different
earthquake solution will result in a change in the listed source
parameters. Each contribution may include multiple estimates of
magnitude and/or other source parameters. The preferred magnitude and
magnitude type for the currently selected solution will be displayed
in the "Selected Network Solution" table to the right.

Each contribution may also include corresponding station arrival time
and magnitude observations, which were used to compute the earthquake
source parameters. Not all seismic networks provide a full suite of
observations or earthquake source parameters.

Selected Network Solution

Parameter Value Uncertainty
Magnitude 8.0 mwp Not Specified
Location 19.630°S, 70.863°W ± undefined km
Depth 10 km Not Specified
Origin Time (UTC) 2014-04-01 23:46:45.280
Number of Stations Used Not Specified
Number of Phases Used 78
Minimum Distance 77.7 km (0.70°)
Travel Time Residual 1.40 sec
Azimuthal Gap 60°
Review Status MANUAL
Event ID usc000nzvd
Data Source us
Magnitude Source pt
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